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Yashwant Shikshan Sanstha's

Miraj Mahavidyalaya, Miraj

Affilited to Shivaji University, Kolhapur - Code
Accredited by NAAC (3rd Cycle) with 'B+' Grade (CGPA 2.53)
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Shri. Patil Manoj Devgonda

Office Superintendent

Shri. Patil Niwas Khanderao

Shri. Kore Pramod Bapu

Shri. Jadhav Bharat Pandurang

Shri. Moje Ramesh Ramaji

Shri. Bamane Laxman Gunaji

Shri. Chougule Shital Subhash

Jr. Cleark

Shri. Swami Umakant Balaso

Shri. Bhandare Santoshkumar Prakash

Jr. Clerk

Shri. Patil Anil Pandurang

Shri. Pirjade Tausif Mahamadso

Shri. Mhetre Vinod Dhondiba

Shri. Mane Hanmant Ramkrushna

Shri. Gosavi Vinod Parashram

Shri. Dorkar Ravindra Laxman

Shri. Paradhi Bapu Punju

Shri. Suryawanshi Shrikant Pandurang

Shri Gaikwad Santosh Shashikant

Shri Dhotre Vidyadhar Kisan

Shri Mulla Samsuddin Dastgir

Shri. Patil Kumar Rajgonda

Shri. Shendge Pramod Narayan

Shri. Patil Yogesh Chandrakant

Shri. Devarshi Amol Ajit

Shri. Satpute Nilesh Shridhar

Laboratory Attendant

Shri. Patil Ravindra Kumar

Shri. Patil Pavankumar Aadgonda

Laboratory Attendant

Shri. Kore Suresh Gurappa

Shri. Paradi Sunil Mango

Shri. Parte Ravindra Vitthal


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